Friday, May 13, 2011

Patterns in Numbers

Ok so this post is going to be long because of the data I am going to post.  I wrote a program a while back to convert all the letters in the code to their places in the alphabet.  I thought this would help me look at the patterns without my brain being able to find words because it would not see any letters.  Now I could just be finding patterns in the numbers that aren't actually there but this pattern occurs on line 9

 (~6~~12~~18~~19~~5~ ~16~~18~~19~~5~ ~15~~14~~4~~5~ 71 ~14~~3~~2~~5~)

The first three digits are multiples of 6 with the fourth being 19 which breaks the pattern.  Unless you add the 5 in which case it becomes 24 which would be the next expected number.  The next grouping has 16,18,19.  The next group is 15,14 and then 4,5.  THen finally you have 14,3,2,5 which I suppose could be seen as 1,2,3,4,5 out of order.  I fully admit that this could mean nothing but these patterns exist all over the place in this document.  I ran some other random text through the same program such as the preamble to the constitution and the Gettysburg address and there was not a similar abundance of numerical patters,

 (~13~~14~~4~ ~13~~11~~14~~5~~13~~18~~19~~5~-~14~-~19~-~13~-~11~~14~~1~~18~~5~) (~1~~12~~19~~13~)

 ~20~~6~~18~~14~~5~ ~14~~16~~11~~14~~19~~5~ ~14~~16~~18~~19~~5~~18~~3~~2~~18~~14~~19~~5~~14~~16~~18~~19~~5~~9~~14~~3~

 ~16~~18~~19~~5~ ~14~ ~13~~18~~19~~5~ ~4~~16~~18~~5~ ~8~~12~~4~~23~~12~~4~~14~~3~~2~~5~(~20~~6~~24~~12~~6~~20~~3~~24~~12~~14~~3~~2~~5~)

~1~~12~-~16~~18~~16~~16~~9~~20~ ~24~~12~~25~ ~16~~16~~9~~25~~14~~3~~2~~5~~13~~7~~11~~19~~5~~23~~12~~4~~18~~3~~2~~18~~14~~19~~5~~16~~18~~19~~5~

 ~23~~12~~4~~18~~3~~2~~18~~14~~19~~5~ ~14~~20~==~14~~5~~14~~20~~24~~19~~5~-~3~~18~~19~~12~~5~-~3~~12~~20~~18~~19~~5~ ~23~~12~~4~~14~~3~~2~~5~


 (~14~~15~~16~~6~~19~~5~ ~14~~12~~19~~18~~5~ ~14~~3~~2~~5~)~14~~20~~5~ ~7~~4~~4~~13~~14~~19~~5~~14~~3~~21~~18~~5~~18~~3~~2~~18~~14~~5~

 (~20~~5~~14~~5~ ~20~~6~~18~~14~~5~ ~14~~3~~2~~18~~20~~19~~5~ ~14~~3~~2~~5~ ~12~~14~~3~)

 (~6~~12~~18~~19~~5~ ~16~~18~~19~~5~ ~15~~14~~4~~5~ 71 ~14~~3~~2~~5~)

 (~3~~4~~14~~19~~5~ ~16~~18~~19~~5~ ~15~~14~~19~=~5~ 74 ~14~~3~~2~~5~)

(~16~~18~+~19~~5~ ~16~~18~~19~~5~ ~15~~14~~18~~5~~4~~5~ 75 ~14~~3~~2~~5~)

 (~20~~6~==~3~~13~~19~~16~~19~~15~~12~~5~~13~~18~~4~~5~ ~12~~21~~19~~5~ ~20~~15~~20~~5~ ~23~~12~~4~ ~14~ ~23~~12~~4~ ~14~ ~3~~2~~5~)

 (194 ~23~~12~~4~'~19~ ~14~~3~~2~~5~)(~20~~18~~6~~24~~12~)

~1~~12~~16~~14~~20~~5~ ~7~~12~~19~~5~-~19~~5~ ~5~~18~+~5~




~4~~22~~12~~13~~20~6~20~~21~~14~~19~~5~ ~14~~3~~2~~5~~3~












~8~~13~~3~~18~~5~~14~~13~~18~~5~~19~~3~~2~~5~ 1/2~13~~21~~14~~4~~4~~12~~19~~5~

~4~-~23~-~13~-~25~~8~~9~~12~ ~24~~4~~18~~12~~24~

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